Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Mind At Ease

Man when you start to live a honest and honorable life,it's hard to be shady in any of your dealing.
I'm not up for Sainthood yet,but it sure is hard to do the wrong thing in any of my dealing.
I have been in this "storm" called life for too long and I'm tired of being rained on by decisons I have made.
My umbrella is up folks and nobody is going to rain on the last mile of my parade,I'm marching this last mile with my head high and shoulders broad.


Dirty Red said...

Whose to say this is your last mile man?
This could be one more mile out of hundreds to go...lol..Damn good post man.

BigmacInPittsburgh said...

Red:You are correct,but I was speaking in terms of age and my goal is to live abundantly!
Without anyones drama,and I mean anyone!

Black Diaspora said...

"I have been in this "storm" called life for too long and I'm tired of being rained on by decisons I have made."

Bigmac, there's a poetic flavor to your prose. Is this on purpose?

Don't change, I like it.

Back on topic: Our "decisions," as well as our choices define us. This above all else is reason enough to make good choices and wise decisions.

Anonymous said...

Hi Big Mac,
I can see you're fighting the good fight.
I feel "ease" and "abundantly" and I like your focus. Thanks for being here and for continuing to be courageous and share. I learn from your blog.
Peace in friend.

Antonia - Beauty Health Finance and Green Issues Editor said...

Hi Bigmac,

When it rains you have to put up your umbrella and wear your wellies, if you know what I mean.

We are all getting rained on.

I hope those aweful floods haven't been affecting where you live. Seems to be some type of disaster each day.

I haven't been on your blog for ages, and you haven't posted in mine in a while.

I hope you are doing ok.

Anna Renee said...

Happy Fathers Day Big Mac!